Monday, 17 September 2018

Monday, 10 September 2018

Reducing our plastic waste!!!!!!!!!!!!

This term we have been learning about plastic and how we could reduce it. We came up with an idea to make 1 fabric bag each and 2 beeswax wraps each. The fabric bags were good to use instead of plastic bags. The beeswax wraps were good to use instead of glad wrap. To make the beeswax wraps you have to get some fabric and lay it down flat on baking paper and sprinkle grated beeswax over the fabric. Next you have to lay baking paper on the fabric and iron the baking paper with the fabric under it until it melts all the beeswax into the fabric (make sure you get the wax melted on the sides and corners). Then take the fabric out of the baking paper and leave it to dry for 2 mins. I really enjoyed making the fabric bags and beeswax wraps. We ARE trying to encourage ourselves and other people to have a plastic free lunch. Here is us with the fabric bags and beeswax wraps! 

Friday, 7 September 2018

Where To Next? Literacy Task!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4Image result for recycling symbols

Turning Old into New


Science/Social Science learning goals Image result for plastic pollution
We are learning to understand about the environments around us and
the negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.

Success criteria;

  • identify and explain some of the issues facing our environment today
  • identify some of the negative impacts humans are having on the environment
  • identify some positive actions people are taking both here and around
  • the world to try and help look after our environment.  
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our
  • own lives to help our environment.
  • learn about our local bush track and creek and identify some ways
  • in which we can help to look after (kaitiakitanga) these areas.

Reading Learning Goals

-I am learning to use sub-headings to guide me to the main ideas in text.
-I am learning to use illustrations, text boxes, charts and graphs to help me
make inferences so I get more information from the text.
-I am learning to use more than one text, in print or electronic
formats, to gather and check the accuracy of information.
-I am learning to read a wide range of texts (e.g. encyclopaedias,
websites, newspapers)  to gather and check information on a topic.
-I am learning to explain why the author has written a text.
-I am learning to read and understand text that contains academic and
topic-specific vocabulary.

Read the text, ‘Turning Old Into New’ and then complete the following activities.

  1. Why is recycling a good idea?
Because because we reuse and it doesn't pollute the environment.
But we don’t know where our rubbish/waste goes!!!   
  1. How many tons of rubbish do New Zealanders send to landfills every year?
New Zealand sends round about 3 million tons of landfill every year.
  1. When rubbish breaks down what gas does it produce?  What environmental
  2. problem does this contribute to?
Methane and CO2. This gas makes global warming.

  1. Complete this sentence:  Everything we use is made from Earth's natural resources.  

  1. Explain where these resources come from;

Wood:Trees, plants and Chemicals.

Metal: Chemicals and rock.

Plastic: Chemicals and oil.

6) How does oil form? When dinosaurs died, the plants and dinosaurs were
covered by mud and sand. Over millions of years, the mud and sand built up in layers
and turned into rock. The heat and pressure from the rock turn the plant and dinosaur
matter into oil and gas.

7) What are some of the things glass can be recycled into?
Countertops, flooring, tile landscaping stones and bricks.

8) What are some of the things cardboard can be recycled into?
Cardboard is used to make chipboard like cereal boxes, paperboard,
paper towels, tissues and printing or writing paper.

9) What can plastic with the number 1 be recycled into?
Number 1 plastics are PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, and they can be
turned into soft drink bottles, pillow and sleeping bag fillings, carpet and clothing.

10)  Attach a google drawing here that explains how number 1 plastics can be turned
into clothing.

11) What are microfibres and what is the problem with them?
The most common types of microfibers are made from polyesters,
polyamides (e.g., nylon, Kevlar, Nomex, trogamide), or a conjugation of
polyester, polyamide, and polypropylene. Microfibers are part of a larger
problem with microplastics, or small plastic fragments from any source.
New research shows that 70% of microplastics pollutants are microfibres.

12) What is Earth Overshoot day? Its how many resources do we use a year.

Glossary - Write what these words mean

Atoms: Smallest particle.

Carded: Related to fibres aligned in the same direction.

Global Warming: An increase in the Earth's average temperature
due to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  

Malt: Barley or other grain that has been used for brewing beer.

Natural resources: Materials found in nature like water,gas and plants.

Synthetic: Something made by people by combining different chemicals.

In class we will be working on projects looking at issues around rubbish
and what we can do to help reduce this problem.  

Video Links

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Reducing Waste

InfographicImage result for recycling symbols

Where To Next?  Connected, Level 4

Science/Social Science learning goals

We are learning to understand about the environments around us and the negative of positive impact our actions can have on these environments.

Image result for plastic pollution

Success criteria;
  • identify some positive actions we can take at school and in our own lives to help our environment.


Task: Create an infographic showing people how they can reduce their waste in their lunchbox.   

Our co-constructed success criteria:
-Have a strong title/hook
-Use convincing language and images
-Have simple things people can do
-Use images (free to use)
-Use bullet points/ short sharp information
-Use correct punctuation and spelling.

Attach a link here to your infographic and make sure you share your learning on your blog.